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    The News

The various related news

29.12.2008 ... As usual regarding the website-code related changes I will mention that I've again made a few fixes here and there, and I also need to mention (which I forgot to do in the previous news-entry from 02.12.2008) that I replaced the old urchin-based Google Analytics tracking code (they call it "Legacy Tracking Code (urchin.js)", obviously) with the new one called "New Tracking Code (ga.js)", which should gain me the access to various new features as they become available. And secondly, I modified my "robots.txt" file a bit, namely, I removed the "User-agent: MSNBot" and "Disallow: /", and left only "User-agent: *" and "Disallow: /sample/". Another note regarding the meta http-equiv "expires" element that I understood completely wrong (and discovered that after posting the note about it in the previous news-entry) will follow in the next news-entry.

02.12.2008 ... Just an update on a two website source-code related things. As first, I've once again changed the "expires" meta http-equiv element from "Wed, 31 December 2008 23:59:59 GMT" to "Thu, 31 December 2009 23:59:59 GMT" since 2009 is closing very fast. And secondly, I was trying various ways (with no success) to make that "bookmark page" icon to work in such a way so that opening that bookmark-entry would not result in opening the page in Firefox's (window.external.AddFavorite works OK in Internet Explorer) sidebar; e.g. I used window.external.addPanel instead of the default window.sidebar.addPanel (and many other things too), but as mentioned to no avail. Oh and by the way, the way to have window.sidebar.addPanel() ... post on CodingForums forum (I removed a part of the thread's title because it's much too long) also nicely describes this particular problem.

10.11.2008 ... Apparently I can't resist updating the website every few days (the last news-entry was on 08.11.2008, that's only two days ago, see the news old 1 page), and beside that I also can't resist mentioning the changes that I made in this site-news section of the site, however trivial they are. This time I am just announcing that I've changed the Google AdSense contextual advertising program's ads' colour, or to be more precise, I changed the "google_color_link" from "0000FF" to "000000" (that's from blue to black), and "google_color_url" from "008000" to "FFFF00" (that's from green to yellowish), all this for the ads to better blend into the site. Oh and I see that I totally forgot to mention in previous news-entries that my slovenian blog had its 2nd birthday (see the Ta blog ima danes svoj 2. rojstni dan blog-entry) on 16th October, yeah, it's getting old.

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