My main online accounts
And to this page I've added also a few links to other such notable accounts/profiles pages. As first two links to my userpages, which shortly introduce me; the first one is on website Tadej Peršič - Ljubljana, Slovenia |, while the other profile Tadej Peršič on is my personal page on Then there are links to my two pages on MySpace; firstly a link to my main MySpace: tadejpersic page, and as second, a link to my other/secondary MySpace: tadejkandus page. Then there are my profile-pages Facebook: Tadej Persic on Facebook and Fubar: satyr on Fubar portals. And here is also a link to my profile homepage LinkedIn: tadej at LinkedIn network of professionals, and my Base: tadej.persic profile page at Google Base. Well and since I mentioned it on "my blogs" page, here's also a link to my Twittervision: satyr page on Twittervision. Finally, here are the links to my user-page User:Wayfarer (and the slovenian variant's user-page Uporabnik:Wayfarer) on Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia.
While for my numerous other online profiles and account-pages (on community-type and other websites), please visit my blog on Sopca portal (i.e. my main slovenian blog), in particular check out the dedicated Moji: webprofili page. It is written in slovenian language though, but you can still see/click links (which are nicely titled) on it anyway, e.g. ImageShack, Ringo, eSnips, kuro5hin, Upcoming, IMDb etc. So as mentioned you can find many of my online accounts/profiles on that special page on my Sopca blog, however you can find many many more websites that I use (and/or am a member) and visit on more or less regular basis on "diverse" page on my main computing related website; in particular look below under "The "drop-down box" menu" section and after you open that drop-down menu choose one of the following (there are others too though) available entries: "bookmarks-profile1.html", "bookmarks-profile2.html", and "bookmarks-profile3.html".
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