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    My Principles

My computing principles

This page is a some sort of a continuing of the page "my articles" on this same website (but check out also page "my computing"), in which I list the various personal computing principles of mine. So without further ado, here is the mentioned list: "THE CONTEXT-MENU PRINCIPLE", "THE STRUCTURING PRINCIPLE", "THE RAM-DRIVE/DISK PRINCIPLE", "THE MINIMALISM PRINCIPLE", "THE FIREFOX-PROFILE PRINCIPLE", which are all located on page principles1, and further "THE ORIGINAL-FORM PRINCIPLE", "THE EVEN-NUMBERS PRINCIPLE", "THE NON-SETUPS PRINCIPLE", which are located on mainly contained on page principles2. In these computing related articles I write about my various personal computing principles, while the most general of all my computing principles is the "THE MINIMALISM PRINCIPLE" one.

You see, it is that for overall feeling, system's responsiveness and so on, I don't like things being installed (things like programs, devices etc.) and/or things running on a system (i.e. processes) if they are not absolutely needed; though note that this is only my own opinion, and which applies only to my particular situation and computing related knowledge. OK, it's true that many of the things mentioned above don't degrade computer's performance, but they do use additional resources, even if the resource in question is hard-disk's space. While this particular main principle of mine is of course also related to my main obsession with automation of repetitive tasks, optimization of computer's/program's settings, and with my continuous attempts to in general perform various tasks efficiently.

Since I already mentioned my attempts to do things faster/more logically: I totally love to use "templates", for example .txt files with commonly used strings in them (e-mail addresses, links, signatures, then various BBcode, Wiki and HTML formatting stuff etc.), which I access through my keyboard's special buttons or through other ways. While the other such writing-related "speciality" of mine is that I am almost obsessively trying to have as "strict" and as "consistent" formatting of sentences as possible (in blog-comments, forum posts, e-mail messages etc.), and so I am sometimes in a really bad mood because of some totally minor mistake (which cannot be corrected) that I made. And I totally like standards in general (i.e. various official standards like W3C ones), while I also develop my own standards; be it a standard in my site's coding, the way I format my documents or name files/folders, then the way I use BBcode in forum-posts etc.

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last updated: 5.08.2016

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