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    The News

The various related news...

02.02.2010 ... And once again I am posting just a short news-entry since if I would want to mention all the things that are worth mentioning that happened from the last update, be it interesting discussions on Ars OpenForum and elsewhere (and other such things). I would need to spend like half and hour or even more to collect all the links, format the text etc. And the reasons for me not having much time lately is that from the October the 1st onward I am attending Informatics at TSC Kranj school. This is actually first "official" computing-related education that I am getting in my whole life beside that ECDL course that I was attending during the summer 2009 (mentioned in the news-entry dated 21.08.2009 below), and most importantly I am very good at it; see for instance this screenshot that shows my grades for (partial and complete) all the exams so far.

09.12.2009 ... This time I'll mention only two computing-related things; first is that I've found out that my CPU is actually an "AMD Athlon(TM) XP2000+" (and not "AMD Athlon XP" or even the most basic and oldest "AMD Athlon" type), and the other is that I realized that it's capable of running 400 MHz than it's currently running. And that's because the BIOS was set to 100 MHz Bus speed and 1.3 GHz CPU speed instead of 133 MHz Bus speed and 1.7 GHz CPU speed as it is capable of, for details please see the Help me to figure out my processor type!! thread. While two other threads on "Ars OpenForum" forum are related to my new netbook, its connection, and about using the UTP crossover cable to use LAN to connect my desktop computer to Dell netbook (so that I can use Internet with it) are Internet connection sharing confusion and A strange problem with my LAN; DHCP related?? threads.

21.08.2009 ... This is really a very delayed news-entry, but please do excuse me for not paying attention to this website for so long. You see, the thing is that in the mean time I was attending European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) computing classes (namely, general computer use, IT theory, the use of Internet, and Office programs: Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint, for details please see AGORA d.o.o. and ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence), and so I haven't got enough time to dedicate it to updating the website. And of course, I am very pleased to announce (the exam was on 22nd July 2009) that I have passed all the "modules" with very good results, while each "module" was a separate test. Namely, for four modules (of seven in total) I got 100%, for one 98%, for one 95%, and for one 92%, while only 75% was required for one to pass. This time I won't be mentioning the website's changes because honestly, there weren't so many made.

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