My main slo/eng blogs
On this page you'll find a complete list of my various blogs, however as first I need to post a link to my Twitter: satyr userpage on Twitter, which is also some sort of a blog. And now to the actual blogs: let's start with my main Tadej Peršič Blog [ add] blog on WordPress in slovenian language (which is the continuing of an old Tadej: spletne objave [
add] blog on Sopca), and my even older now not anymore accessible Tadej na-liniji: razne objave blog on VOLJAblok portal. Then there are my main English Tadej's Tumblr blog on Tumblr (a secondary URL), and Tadej Persic's Blogger blog on Blogger. Then finally there are four abondoned blogs, starting with K5: satyr's diary on kuro5hin, SD blog: tadej blog on Slashdot, TR blog: tayiper blog on TechRepublic, and Yahoo blog: tayi137, all in English language.
Then I also need to mention the "events section" on my main homepage (here is a link to the first page events1, and here to the last/current page events12), which was a sort of a blog before I started to write to the real ones. Further, if you are maybe asking yourself why I have so many different blogs, you see, it's that all the later ones are somehow more "community oriented" (and being a part of some particular website/portal), and so I started to write them each time separately after I registered an account at respective websites, while mostly they don't contain duplicate content/entries, except for the two "ad revenue sharing" blogs, however even in this case, one blog only contains half of entries compare to the other one. Then secondly, I also need to refer you all to my Technorati: tadej profile page on Technorati blog-directory; in it, you'll also find listed all my important blogs with RSS of last entries, backlinks from other blogs etc.
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