My various articles
On this page I will list various computing related articles that you can read on my main computing related website's pages; I especially recommend articles like: "PROCESSES AND THEIR BASE-PRIORITIES", "RUNNING A COMPUTER NON-STOP OR NOT", "COMPUTER-IDENTIFICATION ON THE NET", "STRATEGIES ON COPING WITH A BSOD", "THE CACHE/DISABLE THE PAGEFILE MYTH", "THE PREFETCH-FOLDER CLEANING MYTH", "THE REGISTRY-CLEANING SOFTWARE MYTH", "THE MEMORY-FREEING PROGRAMS MYTH", which are mainly contained on page articles1, page articles2, and page myths, but I also recommend you to read those articles that are contained on page principles1, and page principles2; these are more like personal computing principles of mine, rather than objectively written articles as are those mentioned above.
And to continue with my computer-related "specialities", I will also mention that back then I had a period of time when I've been actually studying the most common and frequently used mouse-moves (and general navigation) in my favorite file-manager Ghisler's Total Commander program to set its buttons, icons, menus, dialogs in its configuration .ini file (and other customizable GUI stuff; yeah, they're fully configurable) to be as logically structured as possible or let's say structured in an optimal manner. So what I want to say is that I actually take time to study the principle and I don't stop until I am sure I understand it (it can be quite annoying though, especially if I need to go to bed early), for instance for files that I use with keyboard hotkeys (enhanced keys), should they point to a location on my hard-disk or to location on my RAM-drive/disk etc.
While I am also interested in studying/discovering the various other aspects of usability (be it interface, general computing, or web usability); another such "crazy" example is that I also edit the config. files of various applications so that the lines/entries are sorted by alphabet. Though I am not saying that I am hacking each .exe file with ResHacker application, I only mean changing those config. settings that can be changed from application's config. dialogs, so therefore you have a chance to set/configure them by default (without advanced techniques), meaning that it was "meant" to do it by the programs's author. Oh and yes, for pages on this website that deal with similar stuff, please go to page "my computing", and page "my principles" respectively.