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11.10.2007 ... And today I am letting you know that I further fixed the code a bit (mostly the CSS part of it), namely I've finally wrapped also the actual content into a "div" block, and floated it to the right. For starters, check out the thread titled I need something very basic explained about CSS that I opened on "Digital Point" forum. I am also planning to create/open another thread that will deal particularly with what I mentioned above, so stay tuned!! OK here it is, i.e. it's a thread on "Digital Point" forum that I titled Floating: can you please explain something to me!!; and now the "... Filler content: on this page I will occasionally post various site and other related news ... Filler content: on this page I will occasionally post various site and other related news ... Filler content: on this page I will occasionally post various site and other related news ... text is not necessary anymore.

03.10.2007 ... This time I am announcing that on today's update I managed to fix the problem with an unordered list on the left side of all the main website's pages (basically it's a navigational menu with links to all the website's pages) in Internet Explorer. Because before making this particular fix, the mentioned browser was simply ignoring the "br" tag between some of the menu items. While the fix was suggested to me by user with nick "nabil_kadimi" in the The problem with 'br' tag in a list in IE 6 thread that I opened on "Digital Point" forum; note however that the user "krt" also suggested one other type of fix (for which I am sure it would work too) even before, but the one that I finally chose is/was a bit easier to implement, at least that's what I thought/speculated back then. Well folks, and that's all that I wanted to say in this today's "news item".

08.07.2007 ... Yesterday I finally converted the site's code from layout with tables (not many though) to a completely table-less layout; it's actually my first website that's completely without tables. I opened a thread titled One single problem (a gap) after making my site table-less thread on "Digital Point" forum, and posted an entry titled 62. I made my new website table-less (11.07.2007) on my "Senserely" blog, and an entry titled Moja nova stran je sedaj cisto brez tabel on my slovenian "Sopca" blog (for my other blogs see my "my blogs" page) about the problems that I had during the process; the procedure wasn't that hard at all (it took 10 minutes or so to do it), however, there was one big gap that appeared below the rows of links (and above the Google AdSense ad) that I managed to solve by applying the correct "height" property to the respective floats.

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